Spiritual Practices

I lead a unique life. My spiritual practices reflect that. I am happy to share many of them with you and answer questions. That said, I am more invested in helping you to find the ones that your spritual journey calls for. A large part of this is learning about our ethnic heritage and recalling and trying on the practices of our ancestors. This does two things: First, it connects us to our roots, an important part of a spiritual journey, and second, it helps us to avoid cultural appropriation or abuse.

Pastoral Services

Pulpit Supply and Funeral/Wedding Services: I offer pulpit supply services to churches, funeral homes, and individuals.

General Speaking: I can be engaged for speaking events, either religious, military oriented, or fiber related.

Consultant: I specialize in consulting with groups, congregations, and pastors in the areas of compensation and call contracts, pastoral search preparation, team building, consideration of holy closure, and evaluation for visioning. I spent over 25 years doing this for the Army and it continues to serve me in my ministry today.

Fees apply and may be found on my services page.

Art and Fiber

My art is my expression of my lived experience. This includes the making of yarn. While I am not here to sell my pieces, some are available for sale upon request.
Real Convo warning:

Be forewarned, my art is time and material consumptive and is priced as such. Do not come at me with big box store prices for things and get mad that I am not competing with slave labor practices. Even if I love the item and it was not time or material consumptive, I believe in normalizing reasonable fees for makers and price similar to other makers for their sake as well. This is a matter of justice and is of great importance to me.

Commissions: I do not take commissions (where you ask me to make you a thing) Ever. Seriously. You can’t afford it and I don’t like to work on a deadline with my art.

Teaching and Education

I am available to teach. If you want to know more about the bible from a more progressive and curious aspect or to learn to spin, sew, prepare wool, or more, I am happy to reserve a time to teach you or a group. Fees are negotiable and at times, optional.

Get in touch

