Category: just me

  • The stillness of Holy Week

    The stillness of Holy Week

    Sometimes we rush through life so much we forget to be still. The idea of stillness in Holy Week almost seems wrong….

  • It isn’t that I don’t trust others. I don’t trust myself.

    I grew up in an alcoholic and abusive household. As a little child I was already standing up for my little brother who became the blame for the problems my parent-children could not work out. At 3 years old, I saw what was happening and spoke up. I trusted myself…

  • When Pastors Weep

    When Pastors Weep

    When pastors weep, the tears are not their own. They weep for their people, their community, their world. When pastors weep, they hold their own pain, and all the pain they lovingly witness as they hold space for others in pain. I wanted not to cry. It is easier to…

  • When language is a weapon…

    When language is a weapon…

    This morning a doctoral student, Francisco Herrera (@PolyglotEvangel on twitter), whom I deeply respect, shared this image. I will not lie. I responded like a dropped box of dog biscuits. Some of me shattered, some of me hid, some of me was gobbled up, and all of me was a…

  • My body speaks to me on the Virus….

    My hips ache with weighty, heavy pain. It is as though the leaded cannon fodder of fear and concern of the world, my city, my church, my family, has laid down in them. My lungs yearn to cry. A searing pain with breathe reminds me of the cries of those…

  • More than a spy, more than a comic…. review of The Faithful Spy.

    The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is often left to dry and dusty shelves of theology. Finally, it gets told in a way that reflects the enormous drama of the era and his historic role. Told with lots of color on the page as well as illustration, The Faithful Spy by…

  • It starts with rest. (A book review on Call and Response)

    It starts with rest.  A surprising beginning  which gave me pause.  Suddenly, I stopped trying to get through another book to consider as a worship tool.  As a pastor, there are so many tools to slog through that it can be easy to get caught up in the reviewing rather…

  • Coming In; There is something about this book. (A Book Review)

    There is something about this book. I am not sure if I like it or not, but I appreciate several things.  Author, Urs Mattmann has reworked his original 2004 German manuscript with a few updates for English speaking cultures.  I appreciate that he clearly states he is writing from a…

  • He Slimed Me… how unwanted sexual advances make me feel

    Many of you have figured out by now that there is a level of expectation when I listen to folks. They expect they are safe to tell me anything. Which is generally true, but has limits both morally and legally. So, imagine my surprise and disgust when this was used…

  • Through the Kaleidoscope- a Lens for Seeing God (book review)

    Through the Kaleidoscope- a Lens for Seeing God (book review)

    What a relief.  I wasn’t sure what to expect of this book by Elizabeth Jeffries.  I am weary of folks who separate humanity into binaries and was afraid this might be just that- one more separation.  Instead, as I read “Through the Kaleidoscope,”  I found a refreshing and honest perspective…